BCS Gives Back: Meals & Cards for Frontline Workers

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BCS Gives Back: Meals & Cards for Frontline Workers

by | Jan 8, 2021 | 60 Years and Accounting

BCS helped ring in the new year for frontline workers at Franklin Woods and Sycamore Shoals Hospital with meals and handmade cards. 

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By Melissa Steagall-Jones

Ideas hit me in weird places and oftentimes at weird times. I was on my way to the office just before Christmas. The night before I talked to my sister, who happens to be the CEO of Franklin Woods. Our family had made the decision not to get together in person for the holidays. This was rough on all of us. We also have a tradition of spending the News Year’s weekend together skiing, shopping and eating. I was determined it may have to be a different holiday but I would not let 2020 end in sadness. 

I called Andy. Of course, he said, “Sure.  That’s awesome!”

I immediately called Melanie Stanton, my sister, and set the wheels in motion to deliver meals to the Ballad team members most affected by COVID-19. We picked New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day to feed the teams! Those include the doctors and nurses on the COVID floors, ICU and the emergency departments, respiratory therapists, janitorial staffs and the house supervisors.  She knew exactly who needed a pick-me-up. 

I then called Lydia, who happens to have work experience catering a few jobs for HoneyBaked Ham. They were in it with us! That seemed so easy, we decided to add Sycamore Shoals Hospital. The CEO of that hospital, Dwayne Taylor, has a special connection to BCS, also. He’s Kevin Peters’ cousin. We are now up to 160 meals and 4 shifts.

Next, comes your children and their cards! Melanie told me the team members love receiving cards. They were GREAT!! We didn’t receive 160 cards but that didn’t matter. We scanned and printed them. Each box had a special card, New Year’s Eve napkin and a “selfie” favor for special New Year pics. 

Lydia, Kevin, Andy and I delivered the food. We only went to the main doors but Melanie actually delivered to the staff as she was making rounds at Franklin Woods. She made some great pics!  Heroes do live among us!

Lydia, Melanie and I were asleep before midnight this year, but it will be a New Year’s celebration I will never forget. The gift truly is in the giving and not the receiving!

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